Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Day The World Almost Came To An End By Pearl Crayton

The Day The World Almost Came To An End


The events prior to the child's (the adult narrator) perception that the world was about to end are chronicled in this short narrative recounted from the perspective of an adult. The story is set in 1936 on a Louisiana plantation, where the church was the center of the estate's life.

Despite this, the narrator continued to believe that she was a sinner since she couldn't 'live upright.' Rena, her cousin, informed her that the world was ending one day while she was playing. Rena overheard and misunderstood a chat regarding the eclipse that she overheard and misunderstood.

The narrator's terror grew as a result of the hellfire preaching in church, and she worried herself into a tangle as a result. She discussed this with her father, who attempted to allay her anxieties by stating that the world may end at any time.

Unfortunately, he only succeeded in exacerbating them by stating that the world could end at any time.

The narrator spent the night creating ideas of doomsday, which caused her to react inappropriately when she heard the rumblings of an old airplane. She bolted from her residence, shouting that the world was ending. Her father approached her on the road and comforted her. After that occurrence, she became much more appreciative of life and enjoyed it to the fullest.


  • FlashBack

  • In writing, when something(event) that has happened in the past is recalled, the narrator in the story is an adult who is remembering an important incident that has changed her life or has taught her an important lesson.

  • Setting

  • Louisiana in 1936 in a Plantation

Themes used;

  • Children coping with challenges

  • Religion

  • Innocence

Themes used;

  • Children coping with challenges

  • Religion

  • Innocence

The story was written in First Person Point of View, this is when the protagonist of the story is the speaker/ writer.

Plot; Conflict

 The child believes the world is coming to an end and that she will go to hell.


 The narrator runs out of the house shouting that the world is coming to an end.


 The father explained the world is not ending; the rumbling she heard was the sound of an old plane that was flying overhead.



  • Understanding

  • Has a good relationship with his daughter

1st person narrator:

  • Imaginative

  • Bold

  • Naive 


  • Naive

  • Innocent yet mature



The basic idea of this short story is this. Plantation life was so religiously based that the narrator's father served as a deacon in the church. The panic that grips the narrator/protagonist in this short story is fueled by religious enthusiasm in the form of hellfire preaching.

Love & Family Relationship:

The father and daughter's love and trust is obvious. When the narrator/protagonist was anxious about the end of the world, the first person she thought to consult on the problem was her father. In turn, his reassuring response to her immature anxieties emphasizes the two's smooth rapport. Daddy's concern for his daughter's safety following her hasty run through the 'turnrow' is also a reflection of his love for her.

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