Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ti-Jean and His Brothers-- Analysis; Themes, Techniques, Elements, Characters, Examples

 So you finished the book? And got an essay but everything's to hard to remember?

And saw my terrible Ti-jean/Act Three notes?  Well here is the book literally broken down into a little list of pick and choose for your upcoming pile of last minute essays...


Forest Creatures;

  • Cricket

  • Frog

  • Firefly

  • Bird


  • Gros-Jean

  • Mi-Jean

  • Ti-Jean

  • Mother


  • Bolom

  • Papa Bois/Old Man

  • Planter

  • Devil

*A bolom is the spirit of an unborn child Killed during child birth or after it was birthed.

Themes Used in the story;


  • The mother

  • Ti-Jean

  • Animals

  • Belief and the love of God

  • Nature


  • The Bolom

  • The Old Man

  • The Planter

  • The Devil and his followers

  • Colonial Oppression.

Main Incidents;

  • The bolom visits the family and issues the challenge. The mother stands up to the bolom. 

  • Gros-Jean and Mi-Jean are disrespectful to nature whereas Mi-Jean treats them with kindness.

  • Ti-Jean remains firm in his belief towards God whereas the devil discourages him.

  • The planter enslaves the boys, forcing them to work while Ti-Jean stirs the workers to rebel and burn the estate.

  • The forest animals are helpless and afraid of the old man. Papa Bois is a folklore character that projects the animals but, in the play, the old man is a trickster.

How were the characters affected?

  • The mothers mourns the loss of her son but continues to pray.

  • Gros-Jean and Mi-Jean do not get help from the animals because they are not kind towards them.

  • Ti-Jean remains mostly positive and courageous during his encounter with  the devil. There are moments when he falters but the animals encourage him. He also makes the devil miserable with his wit.

  • The Bolom is a bringer of bad news in the beginning but in the end, it stands between Ti-Jean and the Devil, ensuring that the devil plays fair. His gives  an indication of a new day and new ideals.


  1. Good vs Evil

  2. Resistance and Rebellion(Conflict)

  3. Colonialism

  4. Survival

  5. Pride vs Humility

  6. Coping with life’s challenges

  7. Faith

  8. Poverty

  9. Identity

  10. Supernatural

Techniques used;

  • Imagery

  • Allusion

  • Literary Device

  • Symbolism

  • Sound

  • Disguise



  • Symbolism

  • Significance of 3 in the play: 3 brothers, 3 acts, 3 manifestations of the devil (Papa Bois, The Planter, The Devil). 

  • Each brother symbolizes a phase in the opposition to colonial rule (Gros-Jean: use of revolts/insurrection, Mi-Jean: use of intellect, TiJean: use of common sense, belief in community and a supreme being, acknowledging the importance of the past in shaping the future). 

  • The Bolom: represents the postcolonial Caribbean society.

Dialogue/Language (use of Trinidadian English Creole/French Creole)

  • Pun

  • Debate/debate, play. 

  • Characterization: the brothers are foils of each other

  • Gros-Jean: ignorant, impatient, arrogant/self- assured.

  • Mi-Jean: arrogant, ignorant, bigoted.

  •  Ti-Jean: witty, thoughtful, compassionate, patient.

  • Mother: longsuffering, sympathetic. 

  • The Devil: the antagonist of the play; cunning, unfair

  • Diction 

  • Simplistic language used by Gros-Jean

  • Verbose language used by Mi-Jean.

  • Witty, intuitive language used by Ti-Jean 

  • Plot: divided into 4 parts

  • Prologue provides the backstory, context and relevant explanations which set the tone for the action of the play. 

  • Tripartite structure: Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3: each act is synonymous with a brother since it outlines his respective qualities which lead to either his demise or in the case of Ti-Jean his triumph

  • Use of song/chorus 

  • Creole folk songs and calypso music/instruments 

  • Props 

  • Gros-Jean’s axe 

  • Mi-Jean’s book, spectacles and net. 

  • The Devil’s mask and liquor bottle.

  • Ti-Jean’s bottle

  • Biblical Allusion 

  • David and Goliath (Ti-Jean and The Devil) 

  • The holy trinity (3 sons) 

  • Act 3 Satan’s fall from grace 

  • Staging (Stage directions)

  • Magical realism

  •  (“A strategy that is characterized by the inclusion of fantastic or mythical elements into seemingly realistic literature. Some scholars have posited that magic realism is a natural outcome of postcolonial writing, which must make sense of at least two separate realities—the reality of the conquerors as well as that of the conquered”). 

  • Papa Bois’ tail and hoofed feet.

  • The Bolom challenges the binary opposition of life and death.

  • Setting: 

  • Literal setting: a rainforest in Trinidad. 

  •  Historical/Cultural Setting: Colonial and postcolonial Caribbean society. (allusions to the white devilplanter, slavery)

  • Juxtaposition: the brothers are juxtaposed against each other, contrast between light vs dark, good vs evil

  • Sound 

  • Crash of cymbals to signify the presence of the Bolom and Devil.

  • Explosion after each son is devoured by the devil

  • Dramatic Irony: the audience knows that both Gros-Jean and Mi-Jean will die based on innuendos that the playwright creates.

  • Themes;

  •  Colonialism/Postcolonialism

  •  Love and Family Relationship

  • Good vs Evil

  • Past vs Present

  • Wisdom Innocence/naivety

  • Self-Assuredness/Arrogance 

  • Hope

  •  Resilience 

  • Caribbean Identity

  •  Power/oppression Ingenuity

  •  Social stratification/Hierarchy (exploitation of the poor by the wealthy ) 

  • The quest for autonomy

  • Spectacle

  • Act 3: apparition of 3 brothers on stage 

  •  Bolom being born

Nil- Can't find another
  • Disguise 

  • The devil’s ability to take diverse shapes and forms of mortals

Nil- Can't find another
  • Allegory

  •  The lack of geographical specificity leaves the play open to several different interpretations.

  • The play discusses the fine lines between good, evil, spirituality and political adversity in the West Indian region, thus allowing the audience the possibility of several different meanings and interpretation

Nil- Can't find another
B/N; of course if you have another or teacher gave you more feel free to comment!
  • Metaphors/Personifications 

  • The devil’s pluralistic manifestation.

  • The animals’ abilities to speak

Nil- Can't find another
  • Imagery (aural, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, visual)

Nil- Can't find another

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