Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Emma By Carolyn Cole

Emma [This is undoubtedly one of the best stories you'll read and honestly it was worth it]

→ The story is a representation of the adult world through the eyes of children

→  Emma is the mother of the narrator, Dory.

→ Mrs Robinson is the train station woman or the fathers’ affair.

Themes Used;

  • Childhood VS Adulthood;

  • We see the perception of the adults around them. The adults try to protect the children from getting hurt but some adults have their own interests at heart.

  • Childhood Innocence;

  • Dory is the innocent young child who struggles to understand the behaviours of the adults.

  • Deception;

  • Jack deceives Emma, 

  • Mrs. Robinson deceives Emma.

  • Betrayal;

  • A husband deceives his wife.

  • A friend betraying another friend.

  • Parent- Child Relationships;

  • Emma and Dory

  • Dory and Jack

  • Maria and Mrs. Robinson

  • Appearance VS Reality;

  • People pretending to be friends

  • Friendship;

-Maria and Dory’s friendship is the only one that lasts.

  • Infidelity;

  • Jack to Emma
  • Mrs. Robinson to Mr Robinson[if he's still in the picture]
  • Adolescence;

- Maria

- Dory

  • Death/ Grief ;

  • Maria and Dory to Emma
B/N; and then that homewrecker of a monster Mrs. Robinson jus gon' send Dory and HER OWN daughter off to a boarding school. And one our teacher... he made us do a short story about what happens after 'Emma' for an exam and I wrote about Dory coming back to see Mrs. Robinson living a livish life that Emma should have had and the pair wanted the children back in their lives and Dory had this whole
revenge plan so she accepted and she pushed Mrs Robinson off the stairs and made it look like and accident cause Jack's cheating on Robinson now and She's a drunk because of it.... serves her right.

Techniques Used;

  • Motif; 

  • A recurring idea in a story or a poem.

  • Games;

  • They are a recurring idea as the story ‘Emma” as both adults and children play games.

Games played by;





Personal feelings


Cards and make believe games about their surroundings.

  • Irony

  • Contrast

  • Imagery

  • Conflict

  • Symbolism

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