Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ti-Jean and His Brothers- Act One

 Act one: Act One is based on Gros-Jean(The man with an 'arm of iron')

Think Gros-Jean; the eldest big dwag in the house:

This Act is based on Gros-Jean’s Journey.

Gros-Jean;The eldest son who is proud of his physical strength.

  • The first son was Gros Jean.
    That son he was the biggest,
    His arm was hard as iron,
    But he was very stupid.
    Shown by;
    So I didn’t use the axe
    As I didn’t want it to get wet.
    If it get wet it get rusty.

  • He represents Physical strength or ‘Brawns’

  • He thinks through his strength he could defeat the devil

  • He ignores his mothers advice;
    Mother: When you go down the tall forest, Gros-Jean,
    Praise God who makes all things; ask direction
    Of the birds, and the insects, imitate them;
    But be careful of the hidden nets of the devil,
    Beware of the wise man called the father of the forest,
    The Devil can hide in several features.
    A woman, a white gentleman, even a bishop.
    Strength, ca pas tout, there is patience besides;
    There is always something stronger than you.
    If is not man, animal, is God or demon.

  • He tries to kick the frog and treats the other animals poorly.

  • He is confident about his strength.

  • He is not: Patient, Obedient, Humble, Compassion, Respectful


How Gros-Jean Reacts

Decides to set off on the challenge and mother gives them advice.

Replies arrogantly saying:
I not even fraid that. You see,

Is best you still was sleeping?
I don’t want you to wake my brothers.
Ti-Jean love me and will frighten.
Mi-Jean will argue and make me remain.
The son tapping me on my shoulder ← Personification

 After more warning he says; A man have to go. Which shows the theme of Manhood.

Enters the forest and sees the animals

He leaves the hut singing until the frog blocks his path, he attempts to kick it. He then ridicules the frog and cricket but asks the bird for help. He says:

Get out of my way, you slimy bastard! How God could make such things? Jump out under my foot, cricket you, you know you have no bones! Gibier! Gibier!montrez-moi sortir!

Bird-o Bird-o , show me a good short cut, be quick!

The Old man stumbles to sit on a tree stump after lifting his robe to scratch his hairy hoof.

Gros Jean greets the old man and asks about his foot, he pays it no heed. He then asks about where he should go;

Gros-Jean: Which way, Papa?

Old Man:I cannot tell you the way to success;
I can only show you, Gros Jean.
One path through the forest.

Gros-Jean asks for help but is led astray as he seeks for the fastest path. He finds money and power most important. He thinks power is literally physical strength. He also bugs the old man to share his knowledge as he quotes You old and have experience, so don’t be selfish with it. Or you know what I’ll do.

He refers to ‘knowledge is power as knowledge shared is power multiplied.’ He says this to threaten the old man. The old man indirectly call Gros-Jean stupid and tells him he will assist in helping him defeat the devil.

They go off in search of the planters estate. After the meeting they discuss and orders are given.

The Old Man directs Gros-Jean by saying:

Just let me adjust the edge of my skirt.

Well, I was coming through the forest now

And I passed by the white spring, and I saw

Some poor souls going to work for a white planter.

He’ll work you like a the devil, but that's what you want,

You and your impatience and arm cast in iron,

So turn to the right and go through the bamboo forest,

Over the black rocks, then the forest will open,

And you will see the sky, below that a valley,

And smoke, and a white house that is empty,

The old fellow is hiring harvesters today.

Remember an Iron army may rust, flesh is deciduous.

There’s your short cut, Gros-Jean, make the most of it.

{A song then starts as the old man gathers his sticks.}

The old man then speaks to the audience, about things there is to be done;

  • Wood to cut

  • Fires to light

  • Smoke to wrinkle an old man’s eyes, and a shrivelling skin to keep warm

He then says:

 There went the spirit of war: an iron arm and a clear explanation, and might is still right, thank God, for God is the stronger. But get old father forest from the path of the fable, for there;s wood to cut, a nest of twittering beaks to feed with world eating worms. Oh Oh Oh.

 It then cuts to Gros Jean who starts a ‘dream-like’ monologue

Cuts to monologue or scenes of the brother doing the job.

Gros Jean follows the Old Man’s directions to the plantation, where the Devil, disguised as the Planter, is his boss. 

After two days straight of work with no rest, Gros Jean wants to take a smoke break, but the Planter passive aggressively tries to encourage Gros Jean to keep working—after all, the harder Gros Jean works, the more the Planter will profit. Frustrated that the Planter doesn’t acknowledge how hard Gros Jean has already worked—and how much faster he is able to work than others, due to his strong arm.

Gros Jean loses his temper with the Planter, and in doing so loses the challenge to the Devil. Like Mi-Jean, Gros Jean’s downfall is his ego. Spoiler; He died.

His final treatment


  • He was told to ask for help but didn’t

  • He ridiculed the animals and had no patience 

  • The planter was being racist towards him

  • He was told to check the number of cane leaves then divide it by the number of stalks

  • Was told to catch fireflies

  • Got mad as the planter kept calling him different names that was not his

  • Was annoyed as he had little to no breaks and was not paid.

To Summarize ACT ONE:


  • The eldest son is proud of his physical strength.

  • He represents Physical strength or ‘Brawns’.

  • He thinks through his strength he could defeat the devil.

  • He ignores his mothers advice.

  • He tries to kick the frog and treats the other animals poorly.

  • He is confident about his strength.

  • He is not: Patient, Obedient, Humble, Compassion, Respectful.

He did not show these qualities:

  • Patience

  • Obedience

  • Humility

  • Compassion

  • Respect

Themes Shown by Gros-Jean;

  • Good vs Evil

  • Dreams and Aspirations

  • Death

  • Manhood

  • Pride

  • Racism and slavery

B/N; Did this help? Ik it makes no sense if it's just there but hear this; when you are going to write the essay... this is literally what the entire essay is. Side notes for essays when I finish the posts for Ti-Jean I'll do a format then a sample essay for the mark scheme.

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