Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ti-Jean and His Brothers- Act Two

 Act Two: Act Two is based on Mi-Jean( The boy with 'Book Sense')

Think Mi-Jean; The middle child who does not approve of his elder brothers 'arm of iron' and 'brawn only' mindset. Mi-Jean is a boy of book sense-- he's a fisherman but a lil study bug with nuthing but wanting to be like the 'white professors' of the time.... remember this play is set in a colonial time so there's a lot of talk of Race, Slavery, Religion-- and more of the 'sensitive topics' of the current world.

Act two is Based on Mi-Jean’s Journey

  • Mi-Jean is the middle child or the second oldest.

  • Boy of sense as he has book smarts

  • He is a fisherman


How Mi-Jean Reacts

Decides to set off on the challenge and mother gives them advice.

He is patient but prideful and act accordingly. He leaves but acts carefully.

Enters the forest and sees the animals

He takes their advice as he chooses to gain knowledge which ultimately leads him astray.

The Old man stumbles to sit on a tree stump after lifting his robe to scratch his hairy hoof.

Mi-Jean notices all of the signs that show he is the devil by seeing his foot but the old man speaks highly of Mi-Jean and taunts him about his ‘knowledge’. This leads Mi-Jean to forget his mission and he follows through listening to the old man's words and falls prey to the trap. This is shown during the scene;

Mi-Jean goes off in search of the planters estate. After the meeting they discuss and orders are given.

 Acts quietly and constantly tries

Cuts to monologue or scenes of the brother doing the job.


His final treatment


  • Mi-Jean died

To Summarize ACT TWO:


  • The Middle child or Second Oldest child, he is proud of his 'book sense.
  • He Represents Academic inclination or Brains.
  • He thought that through patience and skill he could outsmart the Devil.
  • He heeds the mothers advice but after listening to the forest creatures he does not act on the information he was given.
  • He listens to his mother but not the animals.
  • He is confident about his brain.
Mi-Jean Is:
  • Patient
  • respectful
  • smart
  • Haughty/proud
  • Condescending

Mi-Jean Is Not:
  • Completely Obedient
  • Humble
  • Compassionate
  • Faithful

Themes Shown by Mi-Jean;

  • Good vs Evil

  • Dreams and Aspirations

  • Death

  • Manhood

  • Pride

  • Racism and slavery

B/N; Mi-Jean is cute but ion really dig his vibe uk? But at the same time I do cause like for one of our exams... we had to make and run a FaceBook account for Mi-Jean and we used a bunch of philosophical quotes and turned 'clockapp' booktok stuff...was fun but I don't really like him he's too uptight and haughty...

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